Insomnia & PEMF Therapy
Insomnia is classed as a medical condition that prevents individuals from having regular, restful sleep. The NHS define the symptoms of insomnia as finding it difficult to fall or stay asleep during the night, waking up early and cannot go back to sleep, feeling exhausted during the day, and having difficulty concentrating. Other symptoms include increased irritability, anxiety or depression, and severe fatigue.
It is estimated that nearly a third of adults in the U.K suffer from Insomnia (31%). Over half of adults (67%) suffer from broken sleep patterns, whilst 23% do not achieve the recommended 7-8 hours sleep a night.
Health professionals recommend different amounts of sleep depending on age:
- Adults should have 7-9 hours of sleep a night
- Children should have 9 to 13 hours of sleep a night
- Toddlers and Babies should have 12 to 17 hours of sleep a night
It is important to note that difficulty sleeping may not be insomnia, as all adults will experience impaired sleeping throughout their life for non-insomnia related reasons. Chronic Insomnia occurs for at least three months and affects 3 nights of the week minimum. If insomnia has lasted less than three months, it can be defined as short-term insomnia. Sleep Foundation defines Insomnia into two specific categories:
- Sleep-Onset Insomnia – Difficulty falling asleep
- Sleep Maintenance Insomnia – Difficulty staying asleep after initially nodding off
It is also possible for individuals to suffer from both types of insomnia at the same time.
What Causes Insomnia?
Insomnia can either be a primary problem, or the result of other conditions. Key causes identified by the NHS include:
- Stress, Anxiety, Depression
- Temperature in the Bedroom
- Substances such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, or drugs (prescribed or otherwise)
- Jet Lag or Shift Work
- Noise or Discomfort
- Menopause
- Overactive Thyroid
- Schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Other causes can include eating too much before sleeping, changes in activity, life stressors (such as relationships, financial difficulties), chronic pain, and gastrointestinal disorders (heartburn).
Treatment for Insomnia
There are numerous ways to treat Insomnia through the NHS, your local pharmacy, and other external factors.
If diagnosed with Insomnia, you will most likely be instructed to make lifestyle changes to improve your sleep quality. This includes a regular sleeping pattern, avoidance of smartphones and other technological devices before bed, a dark bedroom, regular exercise, and a comfortable bed. It is also recommended that you avoid exercise before bed, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, avoid naps, and eat meals at earlier times in the day.
If you are still struggling with Insomnia after the recommended lifestyle changes, you may be prescribed medication. These are often in the form of sleeping tablets, which are prescribed in small quantities. GPs will often avoid prescribing these due to their strength and addictive nature. They will only be prescribed if your insomnia is severe and other treatments have been proven to be unsuccessful. Alternatively, a GP may recommend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which gives individuals a chance to talk to a licensed therapist in the hopes of alleviating and calming the mental state of a patient.
Finally, tablets and liquids are available for purchase in the U.K. through pharmacies. These ‘sleeping aids’ contain natural ingredients that encourage drowsiness and deep sleep. However, they are limited in their use, usually wearing off after 1 to 2 weeks of consistent use.
It is always recommended that you check any form of medication for insomnia as they can have strong side effects. This includes impairment during driving, chronic fatigue, and difficulty concentrating during the day.

How PEMF Can Help with Insomnia
In recent decades it has become clear that Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) therapy can help individuals suffering with Insomnia.
- A study in 2001 revealed that 70% of patients receiving active PEMF treatment experienced ‘substantial or even complete relief of their complaints’. Whilst the placebo group felt benefits, patients who had PEMF treatment were ‘highly significant’ in their differences. The study concluded that PEMF was extremely effective in alleviating symptoms of insomnia when compared to a sham treatment, and that no negative side effects were reported.
- Another study discovered that PEMF therapy was successful in treating symptoms related to Insomnia, including Depression. The study concluded that PEMF therapy was more beneficial than ‘both medication and psychotherapy treatments’.
- In a double blind study it was revealed that low pulsed electromagnetic frequencies reduced the intensity of insomnia symptoms of 83% of the test group as compared to 57% of the control group.
- In our recent Clinical Trial, NCET discovered that patients suffering from PTSD & Trauma were sleeping more deeply and consistently following their second PEMF session. Improved relaxation and clarity of the mind was also reported amongst 100% of patients.
The evidence supporting PEMF therapy in treating Insomnia is incredibly promising. It is evident that PEMF therapy can target many of the causes that lead to insomnia. By alleviating myriad symptoms, from anxiety and depression to chronic fatigue and pain, PEMF therapy allows individuals to obtain restful and meaningful sleeping patterns, which in turn better their quality of life.
If you are interested in receiving PEMF therapy in relation to Insomnia, or have any general queries, please get in touch with our Lead Practitioner, Kasey at Alternatively, you can give us a call on 03301 3301 83. We offer a variety of treatments, as well as a home rental programme for our PEMF devices. We look forward to hearing from you soon.