Ethics Statement & Code of Conduct

At NCET we:

  • Respect the hard-won scientific gains of the physicians who came before us, and share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow
  • Apply, for the benefit of the sick, al measures which are requires, avoiding the twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism
  • Remember that there is an art and science to medicine, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding is equally as important as the treatment itself
  • Will respect the privacy of our patients, for their problems are not for the world to know. We do not claim to ‘play God’ or grow an ego in our line of work
  • Care adequately for the sick, understanding the individuality of each case, and are aware of the financial, social, family, and other issues that may occur from an ailment
  • Remain members of society, with a special obligation to all fellow human beings
  • Follow the core messages of the Hippocratic Oath. We seek to preserve these traditions within the medical world, and seek to experience the joy of healing those who seek our help
  • Do not support any racist, sexist, or otherwise divisive agenda. We do not discriminate against anyone based on sex, gender, age, ethnicity, background, or any other factor.
  • Will not tolerate any political agenda such as right-wing conspiracies promoting a superior ‘race’ or ‘class’ of human or animal.

At NCET we seek to work to the best of our ability, and treat all patients with respect, kindness, empathy, and understanding. We use CE-marked, FDA-Approved devices in all our treatments and are a registered company acting under the name of ‘The National Centre for Electromagnetic Therapies C.I.C.’ with a Company Number of 11486072 registered in England and Wales, United Kingdom.

Our duty is to treat patients and heal their ailments. We hire trained practitioners to carry out our work and have an open line of communication with all our patients. Patient Confidentiality is standard practice at NCET. We try our utmost to accommodate any requests that patients may have prior to sessions. We aim to provide a safe space for all patients, with no risk of harm to the individual.

The one exception to our strict Privacy Policy and GDPR Policy is the need for Safeguarding. We will file safeguarding reports for any person who has made known an attempt to commit suicide, self harm, harm others or wish to do so. Any patient, staff member or contractor we suspect of suffering or committing physical abuse, substance abuse or other harmful behaviour will warrant a Safeguarding report and notification of the authorities where appropriate.

A patient receiving PEMF therapy in one of our Bristol locations.

Reporting Violations

Equally important in our compliance to this Ethics Statement and Code of Conduct is that we will:

  • Report any practitioner whether colleague, employee, volunteer or competitor who is found to be practicing
    • negligently
    • deceitfully or with willful intent to mislead or misdiagnose
    • unethically in a manner that is racist, sexist or discriminating on other basis of creed or gender or lifestyle choice such as veganism
  • Report any device that is not marked with CE or UKCA for safety conformity that is being used commercially
  • Report any study that is being conducted without regards to or not in accordance with standards governing clinical trials in humans

It is the unfortunate truth that we have seen many vulnerable populations targeted – especially over social media – with promises of “taking part in a study” which is not properly registered and no responsibility taken for the health and wellbeing of the subjects “studied” through interventions drawing blood or taking other samples of human tissue or biological matter. Any deviation in health standards could lead to very permanent and significant consequences, for example, blood draws taken with an unclean needle could cause an infection to reach the heart. Therefore all studies, credentials and methods must be scrutinised for adherence.

Please see our Vulnerable Person’s Statement for further information.

At the heart of NCET is a team who believes in compassion, care, mindfulness, respect, and consideration for all individuals who use our services. If you have any questions about our ethics statement, please get in contact via and we will get back to you within 3-5 working days.