Hi folks!

This is your friendly co-Director, Kasey, writing a quick note on updates.

1. New Branding

We will be changing our name to FREQUENCY MEDICINE CIC. New logo, colours and website to follow.

2. New Structure

The good news is that our turnover has increased now that we are brokering the sales of electromagnetic therapy devices. The bad news is that we would be looking at charging our customers and patients 20% VAT next fiscal year, which starts 1 September 2023.

Remember that our turnover is high because we process full payments for devices, then send off the majority of that incoming cash to the device manufacturers, retaining only our sales commission. Our profits are still very low; we’re still filing micro entity accounts.

In order to keep these devices, treatments and therapies — as well as lease of our Pulsar software for therapists and device users — as affordable as possible, we have made some decisions in our Director’s Meeting:

  • I will be selling equipment out of the USA, as a sole trader in Minnesota until the new non-profit based in the USA gets set up. (It’s a lot of paperwork, and time is better spent on other projects currently.) Durable medical equipment is exempt from state sales tax (see this PDF for more information). This adds about 30 minutes of paperwork to each sale, gathering the information needed for this PDF exemption form and getting our customers to e-sign it.
  • Training for Pulsar software is done by Malvina Anninou and other in our internationally located team. Payments for that will continue to be processed through the UK-based not-for-profit, not subject to EU or UK VAT.
  • Leasing Pulsar software will continue to be processed through the UK-based not-for-profit.

3. Exclusive Rights

We / I hold exclusive rights to sell SCIO devices made by my contacts in Romania.

We / I also hold exclusive rights to lease Pulsar software for the SCIO devices mentioned in the previous sentence, as well as other SCIO devices made by other manufacturers. If you’re interested in switching to Pulsar, contact us to first try it in demo mode and then see if your SCIO is compatible by running a little .exe file we can send you.

4. Full Disclosure

Peter Ugocean is the lead software dev behind Pulsar. He is also the other Director of the NCET.

5. Future Projects: Case Studies Wanted

The next interventional study on PTSD is being put on hold for now due to lack of funding and volunteers for coordinating the project. We hope to resume early next year.

In the meantime, I am looking for a few more case studies to be included in a write-up in a scientific or academic journal. Specifically, we are looking for pre-pubescent children suffering rare genetic or congenital birth defects, such as Prater-Willi Syndrome, Down Syndrome or ones born with a hole in their heart or half of a vital organ, just as a few examples. Recent developments in our software allow us to use our existing hardware in new and exciting ways.

Basic costs of care will kindly be asked for coverage, but otherwise I am happy to exchange my time and services for being able to publish these case studies.

If you are interested, or know of anyone who is, please share my contact details: admin@ncet.co.uk and I will be in contact for follow-up phone calls, patient intake information and the rest.

Many blessings and much love to you all! The future is bright.