Our COVID-19 Statement

COVID-19 corona virus statement of the bristol centre for biofeedback

We are a small, practitioner-led healthcare company focused on the well-being and health of our community. We are therefore committed to doing our part to stop the spread of the Corona Virus.

Update: Starting 27 January 2022 wearing a face covering will no longer be mandatory in any setting in England. The government “recommends” that people wear face coverings in enclosed or private spaces, but this will be a personal judgement.

Feel free to ask your therapist if you would prefer them to wear a mask during your PEMF therapy session.

30 November 2021: wearing a face covering will become mandatory in shops and supermarkets in England. It is our choice that WE REQUIRE THE USE OF FACE MASKS 30 November onwards in commonly shared, public spaces.
This includes:

  • Washroom facilities / WC / Bathrooms
  • Hallways & entryways
  • Stairways

If you show up to your appointment without a face mask, we will provide you one free of charge. You must wear it before entering the building. You can remove the face mask in the therapy room. (Read below about proper ventilation in our facilities.)
Those exempt from this rule are children under the age of 11, people with breathing difficulties and any person relying on lip reading as a form of communication.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with admin@ncet.co.uk.

A high standard of cleanliness and hygiene is nothing new to us.

Let us first reassure you that “this isn’t our first time at the rodeo,” as Kasey would phrase it, with a smile. We’ve welcomed people into our therapy rooms along with their weeping cysts, severe eczema, and allergy induced sneezes. We are, and always have been, immaculate in our cleanliness.

This statement is issued as reassurance and information about what we are doing to prevent the spread of viruses as well as other pathogens. “We” entails the practitioners here at the Centre, the facility managers at The Practice Rooms in which we hire rooms, and the people visiting us to receive treatment.

Our Coronavirus Risk Assessment

Our risk assessments are conducted at regular intervals. They are not currently available to the public, because this is not a requirement.

Our risk has been rated “low” at a score of 0.8 / 10. The largest areas of concern in the most current risk assessment are:

  • Use of washroom facilities: We cannot ensure that visitors are wiping down commonly shared surfaces;
  • Use of washroom facilities: We cannot ensure that bathroom surfaces are wiped down in between each visitor’s use;
  • Use of washroom facilities: The room size requires 2 minutes’ ventilation via window or automated system, which we cannot ensure between visitors’ use;
  • Use of face coverings: We have no control over the enforced use of face coverings by visitors coming to see other therapists hiring rooms in The Practice Rooms

What We’re Doing to Ensure Your Environmental Health at Our Premises

1.1 Constantly monitoring updates from the scientific community and regulatory / political authorities

As a company we will continue to closely monitor any new developments with respect to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as stated by leading scientists and professionals in the industry. This includes taking guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the UK government as well as other public health organisations internationally.

1.2. Symptomatic persons are re-scheduled free of charge

We understand that not every cough can mean Covid. Nevertheless, it is best to err on the side of safety. Should scheduled patients develop a cough or fever before their appointment, they are kindly instructed to request a Covid test and reschedule their visit free of charge or penalty. Any cost for transportation or hire of rooms is borne by The Centre.

1.2 Frequently wiping down surfaces

Before, between and after each visit we wipe down all surfaces of common contact which include: chair arms, door handles, banister of the stairway railing and table top surfaces

Practitioners also sanitise their hands before, between and after each visit with anti-bacterial gel.

1.3 Frequent ventilation

Rooms sizes are generously proportioned at circa 20m² or larger. This allows for adequate air flow throughout the room. During treatment sessions, windows are left open when weather permits. Otherwise, rooms are fully aired during the half hour allotted between sessions for cleaning and preparation of the next visitor(s).

1.4 Use of face coverings is mandatory in shared spaces

As of 30.11.2021, it is mandatory to wear a face covering (mask, scarf, or otherwise) in the shared spaces of the building. These spaces include: bathrooms, hallway, entranceway and in the carpark directly adjacent the building, should you encounter another person. Face coverings are NOT mandatory in the private treatment rooms at this time.

We understand that it’s difficult to wear a face covering or ‘face mask’ for an hour and be comfortable, especially if children and elderly are concerned. Due to the spacious rooms, adequate ventilation and frequent cleaning, we do not require you to wear a face covering during treatment.

1.5 Washing or sanitising hands is mandatory

All visitors and practitioners entering the building are required to either use the hand sanitiser gel located just inside the main door to thoroughly disinfect their hands, or to use the washroom facilities to wash their hands.

1.6 Please take your rubbish home with you

Bins have been removed from the treatment rooms in order to be more hygienic. Should you bring snacks, drinks, facial tissues or otherwise along with you, please take them with you after your session.

What the Facilities Managers Do to Ensure Your Environmental Health

  • Premises are thoroughly cleaned on a twice-weekly basis
  • Rubbish is removed by practitioners themselves, not the cleaning staff, which ensures minimal spread of any pathogens lurking in rubbish bins
  • Re-useable towels have been removed and replaced with disposable hand towels made of recycled paper
  • A dispenser of anti-bacterial hand sanitiser has been installed in the main entranceway; This functions automatically with a sensor, so no contact is required to dispense the sanitising liquid
  • A full half hour (30 minutes) is required between sessions to allow for ample ventilation and sanitisation of rooms and commonly shared surfaces.

What You’re Asked to Do to Ensure Your Environmental Health

  • Please wash your hands or sanitise them with anti-bacterial gel thoroughly. This takes about 20 seconds, ensureing that all spaces under the fingernails, in between fingers and under jewellery is included.
  • Not wearing jewellery like wrist watches, finger rings, hair bands around the wrist and other things on the hands ensures more thorough cleaning.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so in a tissue or into your elbow — not into your hands.
  • If you have rubbish with you, for example from snacks for children or yourself, please take it with you.

As of 30.11.2021, wearing a face covering is required in shared spaces. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We are offering complimentary beverages again and make every effort to disinfect the glasses, tea cups and mugs thoroughly before use. Should you be uncertain as to the level of risk involved, please feel free to bring your own refreshments with you to the appointment.

Last updated on 30 November 2021